How An Internet Marketing Agency Can Help You Get More Bang For Your Advertising Buck Using Retargeting-Ads

Whether you own a new or established business, getting the word out about your products and/or services is absolutely essential. A generation or so ago, that meant investing in traditional forms of media, e.g., print, radio, and television ads. But in contemporary times, many new firms are turning to the Internet and retargeting ads. The only problem is that it can be difficult to measure the effectiveness of online ads because the environment is constantly changing.

Even so, Internet advertising is growing at an incredible pace and reached record highs in 2012.According to a new report from GroupM, a leading media investment firm, Internet marketing currently accounts for nearly 20 percent of total advertising expenditures. North America was once again the continental leader in digital advertising with an estimated $38.3 billion spend in 2012. Industry insiders expect these numbers to rise in the coming years as ecommerce continues to grow.At the same time, investments in print media have lost considerable ground, with just 14 percent of the total market. That’s only about half the market share it had in 1995, when Internet marketing agencies identified a golden opportunity. Of course, that does not mean that all Internet ads are successful or even cost effective. Just like other forms of media, it takes experience and talent to create a great Internet marketing campaign using retargeting ads, which can definitely increase your ROI. Retargeting Ads can serve to the visitor a reminder that they are looking for a certain product or service, and if they are moving around the web looking for this product or service from someone else, there is a good chance they might see your ad and return to convert. For example, you could show a different ad group to visitors that leave your website with a discount if they return to get what they were looking for. This strategy works so well that you are likely to see a 2-3 times increase in click-through-rates for these ad groups.

What to do Even as investment dollars, pounds, yen, and Euros continue to pour in, many Internet marketing agencies make simple, amateurish mistakes. The number one issue seems to be lack of an eye-catching landing page. For those who don’t know, a landing or lead capture page is an online advertisement that appears after an Internet user clicks on an advertisement, or it simply pops up. Like all effective ads, these pages should convey just enough information to get the user interested. What not to do Unfortunately, many Internet marketing companies go through all the trouble of creating these pages and then neglect to link them to the appropriate product. What do we mean? Let’s say, for example, that a potential customer clicks on an ad for an IBM laptop computer that catches his fancy. But, instead of being taken directly to the product page, he ends up on the IBM homepage. If this shopper did not happen to jot down the item number, which few do, he will likely leave the site and continue shopping. In other words, the company just lost a potential sale because they failed to link the landing page to the product page, which can be done in no time. Getting it right As essential as this simple step is for multi-national corporations like IBM, it is infinitely more important for small businesses that depend on each and every sale. A reputable Internet marketing company will make certain that all ads are connected to their related product pages. Even more importantly, they will make sure that these virtual commercials reach the right audience. More Information:As one of the leading internet advertising companies on the net, TKA Enterprises LLC can help any business increase traffic to their website with search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click ads, retargeting ads and other proven marketing methods. 

