What types of juicers are there?

With so many models available, what types of juicers are there on the market? It can be hard to find the best juicer for your requirements. The following is some detail that we have put together to help guide you.

The two main types of juicers on the market:

  • Centrifugal juicers – These are the most common juicers and usually the cheaper ones
  • Masticating juicers – These are high quality and usually cost a lot (a lot!) more

Depending on your life style (if you’re like me you don’t have much time) each type of juicer has its trade-offs. Centrifugal juicers I’ve found are a lot faster to juice vs masticating juicers. We think the difference in juice quality is not much however we will get into that in other articles 1f642.svg

There are trade-off’s on each type of juicer, we have outlined some below:

Lets Compare them.


So now what? What to Look for in a Centrifugal Juicer

Before you decide which is the best juicer here’s what you should know:

Pulp Ejection:


One of the main reasons we like the Breville Juice Fountian Plus is that it catches the pulp in an external catcher. Some juicers do this internally, this is ok if you are only looking for a small amount of juice. Juicers with external catchers always produce more juice per run as you don’t have to open it up and get with the pulp!

Multiple Speeds:


It’s a good idea to get a juicer with multiple speeds (the Breville has 2), the slower speeds are good for softer fruit and vege like melons, grapes etc. The higher speeds are better for apples, cucumbers, carrots etc.

Size of the Feeder Tube:


Get a juicer that has a large opening for fruit and vege, enough to fit a whole apple down.

Juice Collector/Jug:


You want to get a juicer that has a BIG JUG! If your like me you don’t wanna be juicing all day, I prefer to do it once and do the lot in prep for the rest of the day. Like the Juice Fountain Pro, look for jugs that can hold 32 to 40 ounces (900ml to 1.2 litres) of juice.

Dishwasher Safe Parts:

One thing people always tell us is…I don’t like to juice because it’s a pain in the ass to clean.. you should be looking for juicers that have components that are dishwasher safe!

Plus a pro tip… always rinse the juicer straight away after juicing! Yes before you drink that glorious juice.. rinse it only takes 30seconds!

Which is the best juicer? Masticating Juice Extractors

A centrifugal juicer is the best value however you can go the masticating juicer route. If you have time and budget and want to get a better quality juice then go down this route.Be warned though these types of juicers are slow, not only because the extraction is slow but you have to spend a lot of time prepping the fruit and vege to fit into the slot. They can also get jammed and sometimes be more painful to clean.

These juicing units squeeze 10-20% more juice out of the produce you are putting in, in our opinion this is not worth it but they are very quiet and this might be better suited to your lifestyle than a loud centrifugal unit.Masticating juicers use augers to extract the juice, they typically have one or two augers that grind your produce to release the juice. One on the major pluses with these juicers is they can juice wheat grass.

If you’re into nut milks, need baby food or like making nut butters then you can also use this type of juicer for it. Omega has an entry-level masticating juicer called the Omega J8006 Nutrition Center Juicer – Black and Chrome (about $300USD) its is only a single auger though and gets good reviews on Amazon.com.


Juicingnature.com’s recommendation

Which is the best juicer? Based on our testing and every day use centrifugal juicers are the best. The main argument for this is its cheaper, faster and we think it does a great juice vs a more expensive, sloooooower time consuming juicers. A centrifugal juicer usually handles common fruit and veges that you can get at the market like apples, carrots, cucumber, celery etc. The typical cost of a juicer is between $75 and $300.

There is a stack of juicers available, as you probably know and why you are reading this article. There are lots of brands available, we personally use the Breville JE98XL Juice Fountain Plus 850-Watt Juice Extractor. However, there are a number of awesome Juicers from Breville. (A note to UK readers Breville is sold under the Sage brand).

We recommend three Breville centrifugal juicers;

Breville Juice Fountain Plus (approx $150USD) – In our experience this is the best value juicer. It’s fast, easy to clean and has a large pulp catcher, this allows you to catch a good 1.5liters of juice extraction.

Breville Juice Fountain Elite (approx $300USD) – This is the ‘better’ version of the Juice Fountain Plus, its got more power and they have swapped out plastic parts for metal ones. It seems to juice leafy greens better. If your budget allows get this if not you’ll be happy with the one above.

Breville Juice Fountain Compact (approx $100USD) – This is a good little juicer and can do the job, if your juicing 2-3 times a day hrmm maybe not the best choice as you will get frustrated with the lack of power and capacity to hold juice and pulp. Spend the extra $50 and get the fountain plus.

On a side note, there are lots of brands in the market place. We recommend the ones above based on experience and trust you will enjoy them too. Remember when looking for which juicer is the best always read reviews and user comments.
